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Wireless Router Connectivity

Wireless Router Connectivity

There are three types of wireless routers the B series, the N series, and the G series. With the B series routers, you will have some limitations, for instance, distance, you will be limited on how far you locate from the source, and the B series routers have a range of about 50 to 100 feet. The B series is the oldest of the routers and not carried as widely as the other types of routers. The primary bonus to the B series router is the price, it can be purchased anywhere from $40 to $50 dollars. If you are in the market for a wireless router, consider the space in your home and how far you are from the source before purchasing the B series. The B series, being the oldest of the series, are less frequently found in stores, you may have luck finding one on E Bay. If you want a little more versatility you may want to consider the G series router, for only a few dollars more the G series router will give you anywhere from 150 to 200 feet of distance from the source. Look to spend anywhere in the range of $65 to $90 dollars retail. If you want to cover more than one room and the price fits the G series is the router for you. IF you are looking for a high-end router with better performance and longer range, the N series is the router that can meet your needs.

At about $150 to $180 dollars retail the N series router affords much greater flexibility in where you locate from the source. The N series router has a range up to 1400 feet, depending on the layout of your home. All of the series of wireless routers have their benefits, it simply depends on your demands as a consumer, but for the greatest range and top performance, the N series router is the top pick. – manmohan

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